Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are Moisturizers Bad?!

Using a good moisturizer is a vital part of your skin’s regimen.  If you’re not already using one, you should start thinking about incorporating it into your beauty routine.  But, beware! Using a moisturizer just for the sake of using one isn't necessarily a good thing. Your skin can become lazy and dormant by not using the correct moisturizer or using it on skin that is not ready to receive.

So, what is a moisturizer?  I mean, really.  Moisturizer is like a lid on a jar. It's used to lock moisture into the skin and keep it from evaporating. Moisturizers also come with nutritional ingredients that protect sensitive skin, regulate oily skin or help in the fight against aging.
Always choose the right moisturizer for your skin type.

Moisturizers should be used on skin that is clean and exfoliated. Using a moisturizer over skin that has accumulated dead cells negates the reason for putting it on in the first place!  That moisturizer will offer some protection and soften those dead cells, but won't be as effective as using it on skin that has already had those dead cells removed. 

It's always a good idea to use a treatment or serum specific to your skin’s needs or a Vitamin C under your moisturizer during the day. Always use sunblock over your moisturizer. Some sunblocks are even effective enough that you can get away with not using any moisturizer underneath.

 At night, go light and effective. This is the time that your skin will use to repair and regenerate.  Don't overload your skin with heavy creams.  Personally, I like using Retinol at night. Retinol activates skin, wakes it up, and gets those lazy cells producing again. Everything works better after Retinol!

A little Retinol will keep you from looking like this guy!
Lastly, moisturizers should be matched to your skin type, just like you would match the color of your foundation.  Don't feel like if you miss a day of using your moisturizer that you've done something horrible to your skin. Sometimes we need to allow our body the chance to defend itself.  If you've been treating your body well, your skin should have the proper tools it needs to heal, protect and nourish itself from the inside, out!

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